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The SmartScan System marries computer control with RF spectrum analyzer sensitivity and accuracy. The SmartScan System™ is the first computer controlled spectrum analyzer based receiver implemented for TSCM purposes. It enables you to run the Countermeasures Receiver from a notebook computer.
Here’s what the SmartScan™ can do:
Mode 1: Signal Acquisition & Evaluation
Tune through the radio spectrum and log all signals by frequency and strength.
Tune automatically to each signal and demodulate it so you can tell what is being transmitted.
Mode 2: Differential Detection
Make another RF sweep from a different location, logging all signals. The system will now display only signals that are stronger than on the first sweep and signals that are new (ones that weren’t transmitting when the first sweep was made).
Mode 3: AutoDetect
AutoDetect mode tunes through the radio spectrum and automatically demodulates every signal. The computer listens for particular sounds that are in the area being swept. When it detects the sound, it logs the frequency for the operator to review at the end of the sweep.
Why use the SmartScan System™?
SmartScan is a real time saver. A manual RF Spectrum Analysis in a metropolitan area takes 1 to 2 hours. Most of this time is spent controlling the spectrum analyzer in order to get good demodulated audio from the signals. When doing an RF sweep, the operator has to identify every signal as friend or foe. This is generally done by the operator recognizing the demodulated audio as a legitimate signal which might be a TV or FM radio broadcast, a cellular telephone call, a pager transmitter, etc., or by using a known sound source in the area.
SmartScan automatically logs all of the detectable signals. The operator simply clicks from one signal to the next.
A typical scan detects 250-400 signals. A relatively experienced operator can identify a signal in less than 2 seconds. Using SmartScan to control the ECR-3, the RF sweep needs only 8-15 minutes of operator involvement, rather that the 1-2 hours it used to take.
If you have responsibility for the security of a particular area or several areas and multiple facilities, the Differential Mode can streamline the TSCM program. Once you have made the first sweep, either in Acquisition Mode or AutoDetect Mode, on any subsequent sweep, you will only have to listen to signals that are new or stronger than on the previous sweep.
Continuous monitoring of the RF spectrum during sensitive meetings is a piece of cake.
In AutoDetect Mode no user analysis is required unless the system detects a transmission from the area being swept.
Most important, SmartScan System™ incorporates the standard ECR-3 spectrum analyzer based receiver. One of the most sensitive receivers available today. You can use all of its TSCM features right from the PC’s display. This means that you have every chance of detecting even very low powered transmitters from quite a distance, espeically when you compare it to other available products.
SmartScan is the most accurate RF detection system available. Using the high level of sensitivity every signal can be examined easily and thoroughly. The SmartScan system allows the operator listen to every signal with virtually no effort..
Plus, the system is so easy to use and so quick that the operators will stay alert throughout even the largest job that requires multiple RF sweeps.
And, unlike manual spectrum analyzer sweeps, an operator needs no technical background or training to do a thorough sweep.
And unlike other competing products, the SmartScan operator sees signal detection and logging on the PC as it occurs, as well as the actual RF spectrum. This assures the operator that the system is indeed logging the signals as it is supposed to. Other sweeping receivers force the operation to be done in the “blind” and the operator can not monitor the performance of the system.
SmartScan has the following special features:
-Detection range up to 7 GigaHertz with range extenders.
-Wideband and Narrowband FM demodulation
-AM demodulation with Slope detection capability
-Carrier current interface for detecting transmitters on AC power lines.
-Telephone line interface for detecting transitters using telephone lines.
-Video Output to display detected video transmitters.
SmartScan features outboard antennas, not ones built into the unit’s case. This allows the operator a great deal of flexibility in evaluating low level signals. Antennas can be oriented in any direction, vertically, horizontally, and in any angle in between. This is important since the orientation of a detected signal is unknown. Demodulation of weakest signals can often be improved by changing the angle of the antenna, or changing its location slightly .
The SmartScan System requires a 100 MHz or faster Pentium computer, running Windows®95, 98, NT4.0, XP Home or Professional, PC (PCMCIA Type II slot).
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