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- Clear filters
- 4K Streaming Night Vision Wi-Fi Cameras;Do-it-Yourself Camera Kits
- Bug Detectors
- Pen Cameras
- Voice Recorders
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Entirely Functional, this covert camera Blu-Ray Player comes with Wi-Fi, allowing you, the user, to access live video feed from anywhere on your smart phone or tablet when connect to your home network, personal surveillance has never been so easy using SleuthGear hidden Cameras. 120V 60Hz Only
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Protect from eavesdropping using 4 of our J1000 Rapidly deploy this kit anywhere you feel threatened by eavesdroppers. The J1000 creates an additional barrier of noise interference making it possible to mask your conversation when confidentiality is necessary. DD804 finds all the RF so you can decide which is good and which is bad the Spyfinder Pro SF-103P finds hidden cameras quickly and easily.
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4 X the protection from eavesdropping! The J1000 is an economical handheld, battery operated White Noise Generator. The J1000 (AJ-34) creates an additional barrier of noise interference, making it possible to mask your conversation when confidentiality is necessary. Protects your sensitive room conversations by generating a random masking sound which desensitizes any near-by microphone.
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When you need to find a hidden camera this little detection device can find it two ways, 1- using the powerful set of red LED’S and view finder to locate the lens of any camera 2- using RF detector to pick up transmission of Radio frequency.
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The SpyFinder Pro is a lightweight battery powered device that allows you to quickly identify and locate a camera by using an array of ultra-bright LED's. When the camera is found it is highlighted to the user, where it appears as a flickering bright spot of light. The SpyFinder will find any hidden camera transmitting or not. It’s so small you can carry it in your purse, suitcase or briefcase to have it with you at all time.
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The ANDRE is a handheld broadband receiver that detects known, unknown, illegal, disruptive, or interfering transmissions. The ANDRE locates nearby RF, infrared, visible light, carrier current, and other types of transmitters. Access to eavesdropping and electronic bugging devices is becoming easier and more affordable. Quickly and discreetly mitigate these threats using a wide range of accessories included in the ANDRE Advanced Kit that are specifically designed to receive transmissions across a 10 kHz to 12 GHz frequency range. The Andre Deluxe includes all the accessories found in the basic and advanced models plus the flowing Down Converter Antenna (500 MHz – 12 GHz), Ultrasonic Probe (15 kHz – 80 kHz), Directional Antenna (70 MHz – 500 MHz), Data Logging, PC Data Viewer (Data Viewer can be downloaded and allows the user to view and analyze data Logging information for report writing.), Boom Extender, Probe Tripod, IR Filter, Powered Connector Cable. the deluxe will goto 12 GHz with the down converter antenna
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- Tel: 954-563-1779
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