Cellular Activity Analyzer

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The Problem: 

Cellular phones, seemingly innocent devices, are often used for carrying out illegal actions. Today, a major security threat is being acknowledged by more and more organizations worldwide – the use of cellular phones as bugging devices.

Cellular phone technology has dramatically changed eavesdropping techniques. While a decade ago performing illegal eavesdropping was a complicated task requiring professional expertise (involving the installation of concealed transmitters and receivers on-site), today cellular phones can be easily converted into bugs and placed anywhere.

Popular cell-phone models made by Nokia, Motorola and other market leaders, can transform into sophisticated, easily operated bugging devices through a small modification. By a simple press of a button, a seemingly standard cell-phone device switches into a mode in which it seems to be turned-off. However, in this deceitful mode the phone will automatically answer incoming calls, without any visual or audio indications whatsoever. In most cases, such ‘spy’ phones are concealed within the targeted area, for instance – inside a houseplant. A well placed bug-phone can be activated on demand from any remote location (even out of another country).

Such phones can also prove valuable in business negotiations. The ‘spy’ phone-owner leaves the meeting room, (claiming a restroom break, for instance), calls the ‘spy’ phone and listens to the ongoing conversation. On return the owner’s negotiating-positions may change dramatically… Since the airwaves are full with cellular phone transmissions, it is almost impossible to locate such cell-phone-based bugging devices. This task becomes even harder since transmission occurs only when the eavesdropper calls the cellular bug; hence practically – unless one knows where to look for – there is no way of detecting such bugs.


The Solution: 

Acknowledging this threat, Designed to fight cellular-based bugs, the Cellular Activity Analyzer detects active and dormant cellular phones. The CAA device is based on a modified handheld computer, used to monitor and detect all cellular communication activity in a given area (such as an office or yard). Whenever cellular transmission is detected, the CAA provides the user with real-time audio and visual alerts. CAA also creates a log-report of cellular activity that took place during a certain period of time, logging the exact time of every cellular-transmission, as well as transmissions’ duration, type & strength.


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